I am continuing my experiments around what types of workloads and how many we can run on mini PCs in the home lab. In this weeks video we look at running 2200 LXC containers on a mini PC! Pretty cool! I ran into a weird issue though that I want to share with you guys. Check out the video!
Sponsor of today’s video: https://faddom.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=influencer&utm_campaign=virtualizationhowto
Written blog post covering the topic: https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2024/08/almost-2000-lxc-containers-on-a-mini-pc/
See how to use Terraform to spin up LXC containers in Proxmox: https://tek2cloud.com/proxmox-terraform-automation-cloning-lxc-containers/
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Introduction to a new crazy experiment – 0:00
A word about the video sponsor! 0:45
An overview of the mini PC I am using – 2:34
Overview of LXC containers – what are they? 3:00
Using Terraform and automating container deployment – 3:33
Overview of an interesting bottleneck or limit – 3:55
Error message when starting the additional containers – 4:36
Theories on the errors I saw – 5:36
Using nested Proxmox instances to push forward – 6:24
Talking through nesting Proxmox instances – 6:59
Viewing Terraform rolling out containers on the 4th Proxmox instance – 7:34
Looking at the hardware resources on the physical Proxmox host – 8:28
Grand total of LXC containers on the mini PC on 4 nested hosts – 9:04
Looking at the resource consumption on the physical mini PC – 10:10
Concluding thoughts on the latest experiment – 12:08
Reach out to me if you have a solution for the Linux Bridge issue – 12:37