Corel Linux was one of the oldest distributions developed by Corel (the company responsible for WinZip and CorelDRAW). Based on Debian, it aimed to compete with Windows and macOS back in 1999.Mandrake Linux aimed to be an easy-to-use alternative for new Linux users coming from other platforms. For its time, it eliminated the configurations needed to set up a Linux system, and allowed all kinds of users to give it a try.Official links to some projects no longer exist. So, we did not link them to avoid getting redirected to spam websites.
Table of Contents
1. Mandrake Linux

There are a couple of distributions like Damn Small Linux that was assumed as discontinued, but was recently brought back to life. And, there are some which aren’t confirmed to be discontinued entirely like Knoppix.CrunchBang (or #!) was a Linux distribution created by Philip Newborough, based on Debian.Yes, Hannah Montana Linux was a thing, and it was popular for just being a re-skin of Kubuntu back in 2008.Did I miss any other distribution that has been discontinued but you still miss it? Let us know in the comments below!
2. CrunchBang Linux

Pear OS was an Ubuntu-based distribution that tried to mimic the look of macOS. Of course, a lot of users do like the idea of having a similar looking Linux distribution, which is why it was popular for a short time.Unlike some other distributions, Corel Linux tried to offer its own file manager and promote its office suite at the time as a competitor to Microsoft Office, which did not work well across the Linux platform. Hence, it was shortly discontinued in a year or so.You can find a Pear OS website (different domain) that makes it look like it is still alive. But, it is not the same project, nor can we verify if it’s safe. So, if it was me, I would avoid it.
3. Scientific Linux

There are unofficial successors to CrunchBang Linux from some community members, like CrunchBang Plus Plus and BunsenLabs.Maybe it could have become something better. But, the developer mentioned that it was sold to a well-known company that did not want to be named. Many people speculated that they were intimidated by a “fruit company” but I don’t have any proofs of that.It was a distribution based on Red Hat Linux, featuring KDE Plasma desktop. During its active years, its name changed to “Mandriva Linux” in 2005 due to some legal dispute.
4. Hannah Montana Linux 😜

Mageia is one of the most popular successors to this project by some of its original community members.There are hundreds of Linux distributions.EndeavourOS is a successor to it. Considering some original members of the community are involved to maintain it, you can give it a try if you miss Antergos.However, some of those distributions end up not being maintained after it fails to attract users for its use-case, or its original objective. Despite that, some of them make it to the spotlight for their interesting approaches.
5. Pear OS

Antergos was an Arch Linux distribution featuring the GNOME desktop by default, with support for other desktop environments during installation.And, trust me, it was not just a “girls” thing back then. Almost everyone knew about it!Interestingly, it just had one release, and its approach to include a Hannah Montana theme was purely to attract young users as it was one of the trending shows for teens.
6. Corel Linux

Here, let us take a moment reminiscing the Linux distributions which once became popular, but no longer exists.Mandrake Linux was created back in 1998 by Gaël Duval (the founder of /e/OS now).
7. Antergos

Unfortunately, it was discontinued not too long back for reasons unknown. If you were a user of Scientific Linux, they recommend trying AlmaLinux as an alternative.📋Suggested Read 📖It was one of the first Arch-based distribution that tried to make the Arch experience easier for new users, also going with a different look, involving Numix icons with the GNOME desktop.

Wrapping Up
🚧It was built by Fermilab, CERN, DESY and by ETH Zurich to be used for scientific computing. While the scientific labs choose various distributions for their use-cases, the integration for scientific applications is not seamless across every platform. Hence, Scientific Linux came into existence to make the experience convenient for all kinds of scientific applications.