📋🚧To save the overlay permanently to a video, you need to add a filter and convert it. Do you don’t like the look of VLC? You can add skins to VLC, to make it look different.

1. Create Temporary Chapters
VLC media player is a feature-rich app. It supports numerous file formats and lets you play video/audio hassle-free.You can also view the embedded chapters, if the video has any, by going to Playback → Chapters.You can see that the image you provided have been added to the video.

Interestingly, you can arrange and play with the puzzle, not just see it. You can play a video of a certain duration with this effect applied; a time-based jigsaw puzzle!

VLC media player is the go-to open-source video player. Whether you are a Linux/macOS/Windows user, you can use it the same way.
Want to Explore More VLC Magic?
In case you haven’t tried VLC yet, you can easily get it installed on your Linux system with our tutorial here:The tips mentioned should work across all desktop platforms.Now, go to the video section and then the filter tab. Here, select the checkbox for Logo Video Filter and press the save button.To get started, you need to download the required skins.

You can see that the particular Podcast is added to your list, and all of its recent posts are listed on the right side.

You can add subtitles to a video you are watching with VLC:Don’t forget to disable the effects once you finish working with them. Otherwise, it will stay active and will be applied to all the videos played on VLC.Other than just watching videos, did you know VLC can do a lot more?